Digitization Area

We have two specialized tools for digitizing processes. On the one hand, the BSGIS designed for georeferenced asset management systems, for example: The digitization of activities in Pre-Harvest, and, on the other, The BSTRACK designed for transitory process traceability systems, for example: The digitization of activities in post-Harvest. These tools are accompanied by a series of methodologies designed to carry out an efficient implementation. Likewise, we have experts in the development of this type of system, which allows us to create solutions that meet specific needs, balancing technical characteristics with ease of use.



“We can highlight: Efficient use of paper with digital management of information, Veracity of data in the field with the use of georeferencing, Improving the visualization of spatial variabilities, Controlling the performance of field census takers and Ease of generating administrative reports.”


The BSGIS is a Georeferenced Asset Management System. For example: Applied in the Agro sector, during the Pre-Harvest, it allows to carry out the digital administration of crops plant by plant and precisely thanks to GPS positioning. The elements that make up its deployment are described below:

Desktop App

User: Asset Adminstrator

Allows the storage, visualization, and analysis of the georeferenced data captured in field.

Mobile App

User: Pollsters

Allows the capture of georeferenced data in the field.

Aerial Maps

It consists of the generation of Orthomosaics with a drone (georeferenced and georectified) in the area of ​​interest, maps on which the data collected in the field will be presented


Form Digitization

It consists of the introduction of the client’s specific forms within the BSGIS to later be used in the mobile application and read in the desktop application.


Report Generation

Once the information is captured in the field, the BSGIS has the characteristics of generating reports from the registered variables.


“We can highlight: Digital management of information, Traceability of information, Facilitates quality control of processes, Control of the performance of professionals in the winery, Generation of administrative reports.”


BSTRACK is a Temporary Process Traceability System. For example: Applied in the agricultural sector, during the post-Harvest, it allows carrying out digital traceability of the raw material transformation processes, thus supervising each variable. The elements that make up its deployment are described below:

Desktop App

User: Process Supervisor

It allows visualizing and analyzing the traceability of the variables stored within the raw material transformation process.

Mobile App

User: Pollsters

It allows recording the variables of the raw material transformation process during different stages.

Process Digitization

It consists of the generation of a personalized interface according to the digitization of the transformation process, each of its stages and types of variables.


Form Digitization

It consists of the introduction of the client’s specific forms within the BSTRACK to later be used in the mobile application and read in the desktop application.


Report Generation

Once the information is captured in the field, the BSTRACK has the characteristics of generating reports from the registered variables.

For more information and questions